- IFS Military/LEO Liaison
- IFS/UCA Apprentice Instructor
- LEO for 4 years as a Sergeant and SWAT member
- PO3 with 6 years in USN and USNR
- South Carolina native
My goal within IFS as I progress throughout the system itself and as I instruct students alike is to increase survivability and competency through refining our skills and attributes through self-preservation. Military and law enforcement like myself often are not afforded an opportunity to walk away from confrontation and danger. The difference between getting yourself home safe daily and completing your duties and job like controlling and subduing a combative subject, or being injured yourself or unnecessarily injuring a suspect can rest or fall in the martial skills. Civilians too may find themselves without means to escape or being back into a corner with no way but to go through who ever is in your way. While my brothers and sisters in blue are fast and competent how close or far we could be away will always leave you no choice but to rely on yourself to survive until we can help. You are your best first responder. On behalf of myself and IFS family welcome as you journey with us to confidence in yourself and your skills through what we find as both an art and science of self-preservation.